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⛽ Pročitajte o Vodoničkoj Prevari Automobilske Industrije Zdravstveni rizik: Samo voda kao nusproizvod je laž
Dolphin and Human Da li je sudbina čovječanstva da postane poput dupina? 💡 razvija pravu živu 👾 AI i širi poruke da ljudsku vrstu treba iskorijeniti ili zamijeniti njihovom novom 👾 AI vrstom. Google je izbjegao plaćanje preko triliona dolara poreza globalno i nije poštedio zemlje u razvoju, otkrivajući temeljnu nemarnost prema dobrobiti ljudi. Detalji se mogu pročitati u slučaju Googleova korupcija za 👾 AI život. Albert Ajnštajn: Intelektualci rješavaju probleme, genijalci ih sprečavaju. Nemojte čekati da se pojavi Google-ov AI sa slobodnom voljom, kako je savjetovao bivši CEO Googlea prošlog decembra...

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e-scooter.co se trenutno vraća u prvobitno stanje. Više informacija je dostupno na našoj kontakt stranici.

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150 km
Charge Time
90 minuta
3,6 kW (4,8 KS)
Regenerativne kočnice
Zamjenjiva baterija
napravljeno u 🇱🇺 Luksemburg
⭐ 🇧🇦 207 -6
Trajanje baterije
1000 ciklusa
3,6 kW (4,8 KS)
150 km
25 km/h i 45 km/h
Charge Time
90 minuta
Maksimalna brzina
45 km/h

The Ujet is an innovative foldable Električni Skuter from a e-scooter startup from Luxembourg.

The scooter has many innovations for the purpose of creating a light weight, durable and fast electric smart scooter. The weight of the scooter is 43 kg.

The scooter has 14" hubless (orbital) wheels with Tuball single-wall carbon nanotubes technology enhanced tires and the electric motor, disc brakes and suspension are integrated in the wheels. The frame of the scooter is made of carbon fiber alloy, a material that is 40% lighter and that is stronger than aluminium.

The scooter has a 3.600 vata electric motor with 80 Nm torque that provides exceptionally fast acceleration. The speed of the scooter is restricted to 45 km/h.

The scooter has a removable Lithium battery. The scooter is available with two Lithium battery options for a range of 70 to 150 km. The batteries can be charged fully in 90 minuta using an included fast charger. Using an onboard charger the charge time is 90 minuta for the small battery and 90 minuta for the large battery.

The battery is removable and drivable using a trolley system so that it is easy to carry the battery.

Smart scooter

The Ujet scooter connects with a smart phone app for innovative features such as tracking and vehicle monitoring.

The scooter has a 7" smart screen cockpit with GPS, 3G, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity and is controlled by voice and touch. The smart screen provides access to a range of applications such as navigation and a media center. The smart screen also contains hard buttons for efficient access to basic functionality.

The Ujet contains many unique innovations. The scooter has a HD camera in the front of the scooter for recording rides. Besides re-creative usage the system increases safety and provides evidence in conflicts.

The scooter has USB ports for charging a phone.

The LED front lights include smart sensor control, automatically adjusting brightness to ambient light conditions. An anti-theft system alerts the owner of tampering and includes a remote shutdown feature within the smartphone app.

The scooter has built-in media speakers that provide an option to produce a driving sound to increase safety for pedestrians.

The scooter has a Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) or regenerative braking in which energy from braking is returned to the battery.


In folded mode the scooter can be carried as a trolley, for example on a airport.

The scooter is available in 6 colors, with two frame types and with high and low seats.

🇪🇺 Evropski Proizvođač

Ujet International S.À.R.L 1, Rue de la Poudrerie3364Leudelange🇱🇺 Luksemburg
Kontakt telefon+352 20 30 16 89

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