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⛽ Pročitajte o Vodoničkoj Prevari Automobilske Industrije Zdravstveni rizik: Samo voda kao nusproizvod je laž

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Ariel Rider X-Class 52V Step-Thru

Ariel Rider
121 km
Charge Time
240 minuta
2 kW (2,7 KS)
4.493,77 KM💱
Biciklističke pedale
Zamjenjiva baterija
napravljeno u 🇺🇸 United States
⭐ 🇧🇦 683
Ariel Rider
X-Class 52V Step-Thru
Battery Life
800 cycles
2 kW (2,7 KS)
121 km
25 km/h i 45 km/h
Charge Time
240 minuta
Maksimalna brzina
48 km/h

The Ariel Rider X-Class 52V Step-Thru is a scrambler-style dual-motor Electric Moped by electric bike manufacturer Ariel Rider from United States. The company was founded in 2014 and has it's own factory and design facility in the USA. The bikes of the company are truly "Made in 🇺🇸 USA".

The X-class 52V Step-Thru is a special version of the popular X-class 52V moped with a frame design that is more suitable for female drivers.

The moped has a 2.000 vata electric motor with 110 Nm torque for a top speed of 48 km/h.

The moped has a swap-able lithium battery for a driving range of 121 km.

The moped has a 7-speed gear for optimal performance when using the pedals.

The moped is equipped with high quality components and innovations for durability such as metal gears. As a result, the X-class can reach higher torque, speed and power.

The moped has an advanced LCD Display with USB charge port.

The moped is available in many colors and can be customized by the factory.

The moped can be ordered online and is shipped worldwide.

active matrix light


Ariel Rider Ebikes (Arba International LLC) 3025 NE 181 Street Lake Forest Park WA 98155Lake Forest Park🇺🇸 United States

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⛽ Pročitajte o Vodoničkoj Prevari Automobilske Industrije Zdravstveni rizik: Samo voda kao nusproizvod je laž