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⛽ Pročitajte o Vodoničkoj Prevari Automobilske Industrije Zdravstveni rizik: Samo voda kao nusproizvod je laž

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Fonzarelli NKD X Dual-Sport

200 km
Charge Time
420 minuta
11 kW (14,8 KS)
22.727,75 KM💱
Pogon remenom
Zamjenjiva baterija
Regenerativne kočnice
napravljeno u 🇦🇺 Australia
⭐ 🇧🇦 840
Battery Life
2000 cycles
11 kW (14,8 KS)
200 km
Lagani motocikl
Charge Time
420 minuta
Maksimalna brzina
110 km/h

Arthur Fonzarelli Happy Days motorcycleThe NKD X is an light electric motorcycle from electric scooter manufacturer Fonzarelli from Australia. The name of the company is inspired by character Fonzie from the 1960's TV show Happy Days. The company's credo is "Bespoke styling. Amped up performance. And most importantly, zero emissions".

Made in AustraliaThe Fonzarelli NKD X is a chunky, urban, dual-sport moped that is designed and manufactured in 🇦🇺 Australia.

The motorcycle has a 11.000 vata electric motor for a top speed of 110 km/h. The moped has 265 Nm torque and accelerates from Od 0 do 100 km/h za 2,9 sekundi.

Fonzerelli NKD level 2 charge portThe motorcycle has a removeable Lithium battery that provides a driving range of 200 km. The charge time is 2 sati for a 50% charge using a type 2 car charger. By using multiple batteries the motorcycle can operate 24/7.

The motorcycle has Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) or regenerative braking in which energy from braking is returned to the battery.

The motorcycle has state of the art features including hydraulic CBS brakes, a reverse mode, RFID based keyless start, adjustable brakes and USB charge ports for a mobile phone. The motorcycle has a lightweight Chromoly frame an adjustable hydraulic telescopic fork and adjustable Mono Sport Shock Absorber.

The motorcycle has a digital dashboard.


The motorcycle has a lightweight Chromoly frame with an adjustable hydraulic telescopic fork and Mono Sport Shock Absorber. Fonzarelli provides 7-year or 50.000 km warranty on the frame.

Customization on demand

The motorcycle is available in any color and can be customized by the factory.

We all want different thrills and experience from our ride and at FonzLab we make this happen. Here your Fonzarelli is personalised to suit your lifestyle. From enhanced performance and tech upgrades, to bespoke styling.

The motorcycle can be ordered online and is shipped worldwide.

active matrix light


Fonzarelli 19 Regent Street2016Redfern🇦🇺 Australia

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⛽ Pročitajte o Vodoničkoj Prevari Automobilske Industrije Zdravstveni rizik: Samo voda kao nusproizvod je laž