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⛽ Pročitajte o Vodoničkoj Prevari Automobilske Industrije Zdravstveni rizik: Samo voda kao nusproizvod je laž

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Gogoro VIVA

85 km
Charge Time
150 minuta
3 kW (4 KS)
2.861,52 KM💱
24/7 operativnost
Zamjenjiva baterija
napravljeno u 🇹🇼 Tajvan
⭐ 🇧🇦 709
Battery Life
2000 cycles
3 kW (4 KS)
85 km
25 km/h i 45 km/h
Charge Time
150 minuta

The VIVA is an electric scooter from Taiwanese electric scooter brand Gogoro, a subsidiary of HTC, one of the biggest smart phone makers in the world. The company is listed on NASDAQ and provides exceptionally high-quality and durable products.

Gogoro VIVA easy fit

The VIVA is a lightweight and durable scooter that is designed for use in crowded cities. The scooter is small, scratch proof and can be easily extended with hundreds of accessories ranging from innovative baggage solutions to solutions for mobile phone docking and styling/personalization.

The size of the scooter is made to fit most persons in most countries.

The VIVA has a powerful 3.000 vata water cooled electric motor that provides a top speed of ? km/h.

The scooter uses Gogoro's original battery swap system and provides a driving range of 85 km on a single charge.

The VIVA is constructed out of a new environmentally friendly and low cost recyclable body shell made of polypropylene. It is nearly unbreakable, scratch resistant and colorful.

Gogoro VIVA MIX art work

The body shell covers are easy to remove to enable personalization with different color combinations or custom art works.

The scooter has a robust and simple dashboard.

VIVA dashboard

The VIVA is designed to be economical. The scooter is practically maintenance free and can be serviced by most regular scooter garages.

The scooter has a big 21 liter compartment under the buddy seat.

Smart Scooter

The scooter is a true smart scooter and connects to a mobile phone for access to scooter apps. The scooter has advanced features for anti-theft.

The scooter can connect to devices such as a smart watch to easily unlock the scooter without a key.

The scooter is provided with 24/7 ride assistance for international customers. With a press on a button on the scooter you can connect to a Gogoro operator for support.

The scooter is available in many color combinations and the covers can be easily switched to create custom color combinations.

🇪🇺 European Seller

Gogoro Europe B.V. Amstelveenseweg 7601081JKAmsterdam🇳🇱 Netherlands
Phone+886 2 2729 8777


Gogoro No. 33, Dinghu Rd.33308Taoyuan City🇹🇼 Tajvan
Phone+886 2 2729 8777

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⛽ Pročitajte o Vodoničkoj Prevari Automobilske Industrije Zdravstveni rizik: Samo voda kao nusproizvod je laž